SDG 11th biweekly report
Qingyu Qu

Review of the past two weeks

In the last two weeks, my work can be summarized as two parts: wrapping up the final pull request and prepare the benchmarking for BoundaryValueDiffEq.jl.

  1. Finally the wrapped and refactored all the Ascher solvers for boundary value differential-algebraic equations, and the detailed programs can be checked on github now: Add BVDE solvers and the PR is already integrated into the BoundaryValueDiffEq.jl to make it self a standalone subpackage like what we have done in OrdinaryDiffEq.jl. What’s left to finih this work is to polish the current implementation and make it more robust and performant, find more tests cases to prove its reliabilities, reduce the memory allocations and overhead etc.

  2. The BoundaryValueDiffEq.jl splitting part is also almsot done by now, just need to figure out how to properly handle the extension algorithms from ODEInterface.jl and make the core package to be registered. The detailed splitting process can be checked in following several PRs: Splitting MIRK methods into subpackage, Splitting FIRK methods into subpackage, Splitting Shooting methods into subpackage and Core subpackage for BoundaryValueDiffEq

  3. Added more simple solvers and utils for SimpleBoundaryValueDiffEq.jl to prepare the benchmarking stuff: Add SimpleShooting method

More TODOs:

  1. Refactor the implemented solvers to be compatible with the SciML style, and simplify the internal of Ascher DAE solvers.

  2. Complete the splitting and update the benchmarking scripts and figure for BVPs.