Review of the past two weeks
After the last two weeks of extensive work on COLDAE, it is finally working for a test example now. During these two weeks, I started the refactorization for the implemented solvers and obtained some progress:
Move the almost block diagonal matrix factorization and solving into a new package AlmostBlockDiagonals.jl, which contains the PLU factorization and solving algorithms for the almost block diagonal matrix in SOLVEBLOK. Almost block diagonal matrix is a common structure in the underlying geometry of the discretized differential equations. For now, the basic structure of AlmostBlockDiagonals.jl is done and the first several versions have been released. The package is registered in the General registry, so you can install it by
]add AlmostBlockDiagonals
. I will continue to improve the package and add more features in the future.Removed the extensive usage of
in the collocation methods, which really improved the readability of the code.Refactored all of the programs in the solver, but still needed more work to make the solver accord with the SciML style.