This is the final week of GSoC 2023, what a fruitful and enjoyable journey!!!
During this week, I focus on improving BoundaryValueDiffEq.jl usage, pushing the previous work on BVPFunction and fixing the initial guess interface. There are still some problems we need to note when we are constructing a BVPFunction
, to avoid redundant memory usage and provide a clarifying API, I think maybe prob = BVProblem(BVPFunction(f, bc), u0, tspan)
would be better than what we are already using, although there would involve many downstream errors in StochasticDiffEq.jl, I think this is relatively easy to fix.
At the same time, I helped maintain OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, fixed some issues on linear methods for ODEs
Can’t believe this summer ended so quickly, it feels like it was just yesterday I received the GSoC successful selection email, but now, the GSoC final evaluation is around the corner. Next week, I will keep focusing on my previous PR and wrap up all of the work done during the whole summer.