GSoC 4th week review
Qingyu Qu

This week I continued the previous work on defect control adaptivity, and fixed errors in mesh_selector(stages summation etc.). In addition, I found the iteration process of collocation a little weird, so I opened another PR to fix this: Fix stage in collocation.

During this week I also implemented all of the linear BVP test problems in the DiffEqProblemLibrary.jl, once the PR is merged and the BVProblemLibrary.jl is registered, I will continue adding the rest of the test problems, such as nonlinear test problems and many more.

Next week, I will continue my work on defect control adaptivity, and try my best to solve the problem in defect_estimate(The defect estimation is too large) and make the code style more concise(remove redundant MIRK tableau, remove redundant coefficients etc.)